Wednesday, November 12, 2008

When you can embrace everything, then, indeed, you have nothing to lose.

When you can embrace everything, then, indeed, you have nothing to lose.

I love this message!! If you live you life always being open to new opportunities and with a willingness to change then you are never at a loss. You'll always have a new direction you can take, and there will always more doors to open.

If you spend your time holding on to the familiar and only doing what you know then you'll end up being left holding an empty bag. The world is always changing and nothing is ever going to stay the same.

In my life I always say things happen for a reason and they work out for the best. But a friend woke me to another way to look at. He said that because I was open to change that was the reason it always worked out. Being positive about the outcome of whatever is going on is going to bring a positive change.

Each of us needs to be aware that our world is changing, kids grow up, technology changes, companies come and go, everything and anything is going to evolve in one way or another. So as long as we stay positive and always keep our eyes open grabbing as many opportunities as we can then we all win.

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