Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Transform Sadness Into Motivation

"You can easily and naturally transform sadness into motivation. You can transform the regrets into powerful and unstoppable determination." Found @ The Daily Motivator

I'm personally going through some hard business issues right now and I read this today and it made me stop feeling sorry for myself. It opened my eyes to realize that there are no mistakes only lessons to learn from. All the looking back to the past, feeling sorry, getting angry are just forms of emotion I can easily transform into positive ones.

My focus is to look at how I can improve the situation with the resources I have and the things I know now. I can use the motivation to never let it happen again to improve every aspect of my business and life. By always having those lessons in my mind I can better avoid those from happening again.

Life isn't about regretting or "what ifs" it's about living, loving and enjoying every moment you have. No matter what the outcome I'm still here and that in itself is gift to be treasured.

Time is more valuable than money. Because you can always make more money but you can never make more time. It's a hard thing to sallow when there are large amounts of money to be lost but I would rather loose that money than the time I could spend worrying about it.

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